Internet Development and Software Project Management
I'm Andrew Waegel, and Benevolent Technologies is my Internet Development and consulting
service. I've been developing websites and managing Internet projects of all sizes for
individuals, non-profits, and companies for over 25 years. I'm based in the San
Francisco Bay Area but work with people all over.
Do any of these sound familiar? If so, maybe I can help you out!
Hey Andrew - my shop's WordPress site was built by a consultant who's long gone, and now
it's broken!
Andrew says...
Sure, I can help you with that. I'm very familiar with WordPress and can usually
figure what custom code, now-obsolete plugin, or hosting account problem has made
your site go south.
Further, I can work with your Internet Service Provider to discern and document
critical administrative elements of your online presence that you may not even be
aware of - domain registrar and expiration date, SSL certificate provider and
renewal date, hosting account credentials, email configuration, etc. Wouldn't it be
nice to have one document that explains what all of these things are in terms that
you understand, along with contact info and deadlines for each?
Hey Andrew - my site has ecommerce but my customers hate it and so do I - it's expensive
and hard to use. Is there something better?
Andrew says...
E-commerce platforms have come a long way and are contuning to evolve. I've built
and maintained quite a few and would be happy to asses your current shop, identify
what's causing grief, and figure out a plan to make it better. I can then set up the
new shop for you and train you on how to maintain it yourself!
Hey Andrew - my company wants to start using Salesforce but we have an old database from
1920 with all our critical business and customer info - how do we do this without making
a mess?
Andrew says...
Make a plan or make a mess - it's your choice. I've been integrating legacy
databases with or migrating them to Salesforce for years now and can help you figure
out how to set that up. We'll make a plan together, implement in on a timeline and
budget everyone can agree on, and leave you with documentation and procedures about
how to take care of it yourself afterwards.
Change like this is always complicated, any new platform will have its own special
flaws, and sometimes you'll have colleagues who will resist no matter what. I can help with strategies for successfully adopting new technology.
Hey Andrew - my organization uses an old database/application/system/whatever that
basically works and we're not ready to replace it, but we need to make some updates and
we don't know if that's even possible.
Andrew says...
There are lots of legacy applications out there and sometimes you just need to make
frenemies with them. I've spent a lot of time with systems like this, and I'm happy
to help you find out where the 'edges' of your system are - how it was built, where
it's hosted, what database it uses, and what's possible to change.
Sometimes legacy systems require a particular skillset that I don't have to make
administrative or functional changes - in that case, I can help you find a vendor
who does, organize your questions and requirements, and even handle all the contacts
- think of me as a 'translator' between the technician and your business.
Sounds great - how do I contact you?
Andrew says...
Just email me -,
or call/text at 510-418-5137.
I have lots of references that I'm happy to share with you, and am more than happy
to talk with your boss/supervisor/investor. I'm picky about who I work with (you
should be too) so if my skills aren't right for your job, rest assured I'll let you
know that right away.